Day 6/365 (Tolerance)

I'm talking about the double edge sword known as tolerance...also, here's the link to the blog post I mention in the Daily Log

Log - Day 6/365 (Tolerance) from Richard Pietro on Vimeo.

Day 5/365 (Bye Bye Facebook)

The reason why I'm leaving Facebook.

Log - Day 5 (Bye Bye Facebook) from Richard Pietro on Vimeo.

Day 4/365 (Johnny Chimpo)

Today was a day of very little forward progress...except for resisting temptation, ofcourse!

Log - Day 4/365 (Johnny Chimpo) from Richard Pietro on Vimeo.

Day 3/365 (Smarting Stupids Part - 1)

I spent a good chunk of the day trying to turn around my negative equity on my car.

I currently have a $15,000 lean on the vehicle...retail it goes for around $12,000 to $13,000....and wholesales for around $9,000 to $10,000.

When I first bought the car, I decided to finance it the complete wrong way...the stupid way, really...and now, I'm trying to fix that problem.

Here's the link to my post on Craigslist for my car sale

Log - Day 3/365 (Smarting Stupids - Part 1) from Richard Pietro on Vimeo.

Day 2/365 (Our Tests)

Log - Day 2 (Our Test) from Richard Pietro on Vimeo.

Day 1/365 (Be the change)

This video outlines a little bit about why I've chosen to attempt to lead an "Open" life. Essentially, this is my way of not being a hypocrite to my own work....which takes place in the Open Government / Open Data space.

In other words, if I'm going to ask our institutions to be "Open" ....I should be as well.

Log - Day 1/365 (Be the change) from Richard Pietro on Vimeo.