Day 37/365 (Another test)

UPDATE ON MY TESTS - A new path leads results in me having to apologize to someone I very much respect; TopoliWTF: Toronto Casino


MOMENT OF CLARITY - Why I would be willing to take a one-way-trip to Mars.

Link: Mars One Project

Below is the aformentioned response on why I'd like to go to Mars.

I’m a big fan of Behavioural Psychology/Economics, Social Psychology, and Evolutionary Biology because I’m fascinated with why people do the things that they do. And in my research, I’ve come to learn that people behave according to their environment. This observation couldn’t be better described than through Stephen Jay Gould’s quote:

“Violence, sexism, and general nastiness are biological since they represent one subset of a possible range of behaviours. ....But peacefulness, equality, and kindness are just as biological—and we may see their influence increase if we can create social structures that permit them to flourish.”

A one-way trip to Mars presents the opportunity of starting a new society from scratch…a society based on strong, social values…not selfish egotism supported by instantly gratifying consumerism.

As a matter of fact, what drew me to the project are the “Five Key Characteristics” listed for potential applicants. Those are the characteristics that ALL people, on any planet, should possess. Unfortunately, I believe our society is built to encourage different qualities…qualities that are less noble and less constructive.

After having dedicated the last 10 years of my life to creating change by BEING the change (as Gandhi famously uttered)… what better way of continuing this goal of mine than by being part of the team who will be charged with starting a new society?

Log - Day 37/365 (Another test) from Richard Pietro on Vimeo.

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